Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Trump Putin Bromance

Yesterday I watched a history of Vladimir Putin on Fareed Zakaria. In the program one saw a parade of Russian Soldiers and demonstrations by Russian people. In viewing these scenes I imagined an Alt-Right individual watching the program (though as a practical matter most probably don't watch CNN) and thinking "boy these people look just like me, white and Northern European". During the program Fareed also happened to mentioned that part of Putin's program was to advance Christianity in Russia. Here the Christian Fundamentalists perked right up. There was noise on the news shows about Putin's anti-Semitism where, when asked about the hacking, he said that he had no control and it could just as well have been done by Jews. I watched the interview and what he actually said was that he didn’t know and it could have been done by Ukrainians, Tatars or Jews. Tatars for the most part are Muslim living in Russia for centuries. In Russia there are many Muslims and Jews so what Putin was really doing was dividing Russia by suggesting that Jews and Muslims, not being Christians, were not really Russians. Furthermore, Putin is attempting to outlaw homosexuality and abortion, real Fundamentalist Christian values. Back a number of years ago, Pat Buchanan, a former presidential candidate was quoted as saying that Putin was the last hope for global Christian values. During one of the meetings in Europe last year (I think it may have been NATO), our President said he wanted to fight for (he may have said protect) Western civilization (he may have said culture). In either case he is supporting the notion that there is a struggle between the West and “others”, a line playing right into ISIS’s propaganda. I know I’m now getting into the realm of "conspiracy theory". In pursuing the connection between our President Trump and Vladimir Putin, most are looking at financial ties, but what if the connection was a move to create a powerful alliance of white Christians against the brown, non -Christian world. This certainly would have the full support of all Trump voters. Maybe this is why there is very little issue with them about the President’s bromance with Putin.