Monday, February 13, 2017

The Global Christian Right

The other day I saw an article by Ivo Oliveira copied into FLIPBOARD from entitled “How Russia became the leader of the global Christian right”. And a bell went off in my head. In it he cites an old statement Pat Buchanan, an intellectual of the Christian Right made, praising Putin, writing “In the culture war for the future of mankind, Putin is planting Russia’s flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity”. There has been much debate about the mystery of our President’s affinity for Russia. Certainly there is little criticism of Russia among President Trump’s constituency. Many, if not most of the followers of President Trump are rural Evangelical Fundamentalists and they may be translating “make America great again” into make America a traditional, white, Christian Country again. Russia certainly a white country, is advancing Christian Fundamentalist values, restricting homosexuality and soon banning abortion. Thus, in Putin they may see an ally. If one looks through a White Christian lens at they may want Russia, and not Western Europe or any of the other parts of the world as their dearest friend, one sees that Europe, though white, is becoming ever more secular and less white (though the Nativists are trying, with some success, to reverse both trends). Mexico nor South America, though Christian (however, Evangelicals don’t consider Catholics true Christians) are not altogether white. Asia certainly is not white. If you look at this on a global scale and if indeed there is a movement to put the Christian traditions and the white population back in control, then the “War on Radical Islamic Terrorism” makes total sense and all the moves to demonize Islam, stop immigration, and control the Muslim population makes sense. Then there is a common, global enemy to rally the world to a common cause. My question now is? Do Vladimir Putin and our President each sees himself as the head or his loyal follower, of a global Christian Right. In truth I think each may see the other only as a means to their end. We shall see.

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