Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Punishing Job Creators

Among my least favorite things are the term “job creators” used by conservatives when talking about the wealthy and the notion that taxes are a punishment. From the right you often hear increasing taxes on the rich is punishing the job creators. Though I personally feel the job creators are buyers of stuff and therefore anyone with money in their pockets prepared to spend it (even unemployment insurance recipients) create or maintain jobs.

Setting all that aside, to not “punish the job creators” I propose the following compromise. Not all wealthy people create jobs. Actors, athletes, traders, writers, hedge fund managers etc. probably do not except perhaps in a very obtuse way if one wants to really argue the point. My suggestion is that we raise taxes on anyone earning over some amount. If they can demonstrate that within the tax period they have indeed created jobs, their taxes will be refunded to the extent of the salaries for the newly employed. (Loopholes such as hiring a family member as administrative assistants need to be studied and eliminated.) This will separate the “job creators” from just ordinary wealthy people and allow us to raise some revenues without “punishing” them if indeed that is what we do. Taxes, in this case may, not only not inhibit job growth, but actually accelerate it.


  1. hi politicali.. sorry for going awol.. have been out of the country for the past month..

    unfortunately, i dont think the focus on 'job creators' is really about taxation philosophy, as is supposedly implied by the discussions in which it is used, rather it is a way to hamstring (and thus destroy) government (ie limit its reaches) and entitlements via reducing its funding. it probably is just more politicali advantageous to talk about jobs than to argue for 'starving the beast', especially in light of our unemployment situation.

    i did notice that john stewart (daily show) did a piece on this same term and literally 10 minutes ago i saw a congressman being interviewed and he said to the reporter 'the people you call rich, i call job creators'. :-)

  2. Welcome back, I missed your thoughtful comments. Hope you had a good or at least a productive time in Europe if you were there on business.
