Thursday, February 17, 2011

Catalog of Postings

Following is a list of postings prewented chronologically:

Apr 28, 2010 – Human Need to Tell a Story
May 4 - The Left Hand of God
May 7 - If a tree Falls in the Forest
May 17 - Islam Misunderstood
Jun 7 - Islam Misunderstood-Some Consequences
Aug 5 - Free Market Capitalism – A thumbnail Sketch
Aug 13 - Illegal Immigration
Aug 19 - Patriotism
Aug 21 - Taxes, Stimulus & the Broken Window Fallacy
Aug 27 - Education
Sep 5 - Terrorism
Sept 6 - Obama’s Religiosity
Sept 13 - Islamophobia Continued
Oct 15 - Optimism for America’s Future
Oct 21 - House of Worship
Oct 30 - Businessmen as Politicians
Nov 1 - Fear
Nov 7 - Globalization, Free Markets and the Plight of the US Middle Class
Nov 9 - Efficiency and Unemployment
Nov 15 - Parenting
Nov 22 - Slavery – Free Markets Unfettered
Nov 28 - Cycles in Nature, Politics and Religion
Dec 7 - “Poor Can’t Create Jobs”
Dec 15 - “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”
Jan 5 - Role of Government
Jan 22 - Ingenuity in the Workplace
Jan 25 - Loss of Manufacturing Jobs
Jan 29 - Our President a Socialist?
Jan 31 - Our Constitution as Scripture
Feb 9 - Statistics
Feb 14 - Education Revisited

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